Verification of Identity Service – We Come to You

We Come to You Verification of Identity Service.

Direct Conveyancing is located conveniently on Adelaide’s city edge in Hackney. Interviews can be conducted in our offices or we have the capacity to come to you during working hours or meet you in a public location such as a cafe if we need to meet with you out of usual working hours. To protect the safety of our professional staff, Direct Conveyancing will not meet with you at your home.

Our schedule of fees is below

Indentiy Verification Services
1 Person 2 People* + Per Person*
Interview at Direct Conveyance Office
9 Hackney Road, Hackney SA 5069
$55 $99 + $44
We Come To You**
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm $77 $99 + $44
Monday to Friday 5pm to 9pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
$99 $149 + $44
+ $2 per km if further than 25km from Adelaide GPO.
Additional charges calculated as per route supplied from Google Maps App

* A two person or more interview requires all subjects be present at the appointment. Should a second appointment be required you will be charged for an additional 1 person appointment.
** Direct Conveyance will contact you by phone prior to your appointment to confirm time, place and number of subjects to be verified. Direct Conveyance will not attend an interview without a confirmation.

VOI, VOA and CA Statement face to face client interview